The River Thames

The River Thames

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Tuesday 28 August 2007

THE WALK - DAY 3 - 27/08/07

Dear William,

Today I have been walking on my own, although I have not felt lonely. In part I have been thinking about the good times you and I used to have when we were kids! It's funny how I've never thought about that before, but I guess walking alone in the countryside for hours on end makes one reflect on life, the state of the world, how to pay off the mortgage etc!

The going today has still been difficult. I started at Kelmscot, the point on the path where I had finished yesterday, went through an alarming number of fields with very uneven terrain. As a consequence I can feel my blisters playing up. Went past a number of locks in the morning Grafton, Radcot (where the path changes banks), Rushey and Shifford Lock where Ana Maria, my faithful groupie, met me with two large hot baguettes and a bottle of Lucozade. How does she do it? After lunch I continued to Newbridge, my destination for the day, arriving there at at around 2.00p.m. As I was still feeling reasonably energetic , I decided to carry on a few more miles to Bablock Hythe where I arrived one and a half hours later. There, Ana Maria awaited me with the best cup of tea I have ever tasted!

All in all a nice sunny day with a nice cool breeze blowing which made walking a pleasant experience (except for my feet, naturally, which endured some 16 miles of walking today).

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