The River Thames

The River Thames

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Friday 31 August 2007

THE WALK - DAY 7 - 31/08/07

Dear William,
Today I started my walk in Purley-on-Thames and finished in Aston which is about three miles downstream of Henley. I walked some 16 miles in total. Today was also the last day of the first week. I am amazed that I have lasted this long!

The path today was excellent and I was able to make good time. It was also kinder to my feet which although still very painful appeared to be getting better. The path at Reading was a bit of a mess as the Reading Festival appears to have finished yesterday and the path and surrounding fields were covered in rubbish, discarded sleeping bags etc.

The highlight of the day was walking up to Henley. This must be one of the nicest stretches of the river. I was delighted to see the Leander Club, membership of which most rowers can only dream of! I also went past the Upper Thames Rowing Club. You may remember I raced against them all those years ago and I regret to say we got soundly thrashed on that occasion!

Tomorrow is going to be a special day for me. Another "Walk for William" has been organised by your daughters Cecile and Gillaine and they will be leading a large group of friends on a walk between the Frontier and Europa Point. During the walk they will be phoning me as I continue my own walk, so for a time we will all be walking together. Ana Maria, Billy and Pauline will be walking with me so it will be a jolly family affair. We hope to cover about 15 miles or so and the first person to drop out buys dinner!

As the start of the second week approaches I would like to thank all those who have been kind enough to sponsor my "walk for William". They have been most generous but I would like to ask one more favour from them. I am going to ask them to send a link to this blog to 5 of their friends or work colleagues to see if we can give the fundraising one more push. With thanks

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