The River Thames

The River Thames

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Tuesday 28 August 2007

THE WALK - DAY 4 - 28/08/07

Dear William,

Last night Ana Maria and I celebrated her birthday (which is really today!). As her birthday present she bought me a stay in a very nice hotel complete with indoor swimming pool and Jacuzzi. I guess wives don't come better than that!

This morning I set off from Bablock Hythe at 8.45 a.m. meaning to reach Osney Bridge in Oxford later in the afternoon. Again it was a nice sunny day. The walk was mainly across the fields bordering the river. Nobody told me there were going to be herds of cows in those fields! I confess I am not really a nature person and feel uneasy around large animals like horses and cows. Boy these cows were big! As I was crossing a field a whole herd charged at me. I was so scared that it never even occurred to me to run. I was rooted to the spot! Thankfully the cows veered away from me almost at the last minute and then proceeded to walk closely behind me all the way to the nearest gate. On reflection I guess they thought I was going to feed them although a couple of bars of Kendal Mint Cake would not have gone very far! I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to avoid the other herds which seemed to await me at every turn!

Finally I arrived at Osney Bridge in Oxford at 12.45p.m. where Ana Maria again met me with hot baguettes and a drink. In the end I decided not to stop there for the day but continued towards Sanford Lock where I arrived at 3.15 p.m. It may have been a mistake to carry on that far as my feet have really suffered and I am practically hobbling. This evening I asked my friend Greta, who aside from being part of my support team is also my medical adviser (she has been a nurse for many years), for some advice. She suggested drinking six pints of beer and then putting my feet,no no, that wasn't it. I will take her advice so that I have someone to blame if my feet can't keep up! Well, that's it for today. Only 11 more days to go!

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